Monday, February 24, 2014


I got a big surprise yesterday when I woke up. Aunt Flow was here. She was two days late but she arrived. It was a bittersweet moment especially since I really thought I was out this month with inconclusive OPK’s and no symptoms of her arrival. First, I am excited because it means that the medicine worked this month and I ovulated! Yay, I am not completely broken but instead some months my body will respond to the medicine and some months it won't. I think I can live with that. However, the next moment I am sad because it means we could have gotten pregnant this month but didn't. Since she was two days late it means I probably ovulated two days late. Unfortunately for me, this mean we only had sex the day before I ovulated and no time after ovulation. After Valentine's day everything got busy and I got tired. Plus, I assumed that if I was to O this month it would have been a few days earlier. I was wrong, so we missed our window.

So we are on to next month, let’s hope this is the month (since we only have two months left to have a baby this year, otherwise we are looking at a 2015 baby). Maybe the medicine will work again this month (I am fearful that one of my ovaries doesn't respond well to the medicine and since you alternative each month that this month the meds won't work). This month I am going to continue to use the OPK's and I am going to attempt to track my temperature. We will see how long this will happen since you are supposed to do it right after waking up and before your feet hit the floor. That has always been a challenge for me because it seem like the minute I wake up I really, really have to pee. We are also going to try a tea called Fertilitea that is supposed to help with balancing hormones and provide more energy. We will see it if works in the next few weeks. Until then I will just ride out AF and get ready to start over all the craziness of the meds.

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