Thursday, January 16, 2014

Boys and Budgets

I have always heard that teenage boys have bottomless pits for stomachs. I used to laugh when someone who had a teenager complained that they need milk again and that it seems impossible to keep it in the house. I used to get irritated with families who complained that eating healthy with a teenager was just 'too difficult because it was expensive'. I would agree but inside I would just rebuke them for not budgeting their money well enough to afford healthy foods.

Well here I am today in the same boat as these parents. Always wondering where T (my brother) puts all the food and why on earth I never have milk! I am the living example of a person who judged parents way too harshly because I didn't understand what it really takes to have a child. I would like to apologize to all parents out there for my rude behavior and piss poor attitude towards you in the past. I stand here today realizing I can never judge another parents because I have no idea what it is like. I only have a teenager right now, I can only imagine all the things I will learn and all the things I will realize I never knew about when we have a little one. All you childless people out there, just wait until it's your turn. You will see. I am only at the tip of the iceberg and am terrified to see where this road leads.

When starting to write this post I decided I wanted to point out two things today. First, it's expensive to have a child. I know that this is obvious but I had to say it. Every month we find ourselves worried about money. We have never been well off and we have always lived paycheck to paycheck (something we are trying to fix). However, it is increasingly worse now. We used to have some money left over at the end of the month to put into savings. Now, we have no savings. I sure how there is not an emergency anytime soon. And to top it off, this month we apparently lost our minds and have spent why too much money on who knows what. We are looking to be short this month. This is a big deal. Since I moved out on my own when I was a teenager I have never been short. I always managed my money well and had enough to make it. It's terrifying to be in the situation. M (my husband) and I sat down last night and looked over our budget. We found a few places to cut in order to make it but it means not having any money saved for T's 18 birthday next month or for the football gear he will need soon. It means we will be eating very expensive (and most likely unhealthy foods) for the rest of the month. And I pray that we don't owe taxes this year or we will be screwed. Last night all I could do was trying and figure out what I could sell to make us money or if there was a money tree around so I could go collect just about $500 to cushion us. I didn't come up with anything to help. We will make it but I do not appreciate the uneasy feeling in my stomach. We are seriously considering getting second jobs to help out. This will be difficult for me as my schedule at work can sometimes be chaotic meaning some weeks I can work late and weekends, some weeks I can't. This leaves M to go out and get a second job. I hate this idea, I feel both of us should work and not one of us. For now, we have shelved the conversation but I have a feeling it won't stay there for long., especially if a miracle happens and we get pregnant. (I know, you are probably thinking. STOP TRYING TO HAVE A BABY! YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT. You might be right but at this moment we don't even know if the medicine I am taking is working because it seems that it isn't so it could be a long time before we actually get pregnant).

The second thing I wanted to point out today is that living with two full grown boys is terrible. Now I do like that they are both tall so they can reach things I can't and I like that they are strong because they have to lift things that are heavy (most things are not too heavy for me, I am just lazy and feel if they are bigger they should pick it up). However, there are a few reasons that I don't like living with two boys. Here they are:

1. They are smelly. They both have stinky feet and get sweaty easily. This means, there is always a weird smell in the bedrooms. No matter how much I try it's there. I think it may always be there.

2. Beard Hair. I hate those tiny bastards. Beard hair seems to get in every nook and cranny and no matter how much I try it seems that I always miss some of it. It's all over the vanities. They both shave over towels and try and keep it clean but I swear they can't see those tiny bastards like I can. They mock me as they lie everywhere and I swear they multiple as I clean. Why do both my boys have so much hair?

3. We go through toilet paper way too fast. I swear every time I go to clean the bathrooms there is no toilet paper (not even where we keep the extra rolls). How often do they have to go and how much are you using! Seriously, either go poo less and use less toliet paper or I am going to start rationing it out.

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