Monday, January 20, 2014

Where are you AF?

I want this blog to be honest and real. Therefore, I may have to talk about something that most people would not feel comfortable with. This is one of those things...where is my period? Last month we took a cycle of fertility medicine to help me ovulation. I was supposed to get my cycle on Christmas day. When it didn't arrive I got excited that I could be pregnant. At that time I had been really tired and very nauseous for a couple days (even though now I think it was a hangover that just lasted a few days). I took a test Christmas Evening- negative. I waited for a couple more days. Aunt Flow (AF) never showed so I did another test- negative. After 7 days I called my doctor. He told me that I probably didn't ovulate that month. The medicine was to help but was not a guarantee and even though it worked the month before it is not guarantee to work every month. So he sent me a prescription for progesterone to help me start a cycle so we can try another batch of fertility.

I was very frustrated at the fact that the medicine didn't work. I did some research and found that most women that take it don't ovulate every month. UGH! So I started taking my progesterone. Let me stop here for a second. I hate this medicine. It makes me cranky and really hungry. I mean, I could eat a thousand times a day when I take it which doesn't help because I am supposed to keep my weight in check while on fertility medicine. So here I am taking the medicine I hate for 10 days.

After the 10 days you are supposed to get a visit from AF somewhere between days 3-7 after taking the medicine. It's not day 8 and nothing. She has not showed her ugly face. I had symptoms of her a few days 1-3 (bloating, cramping and sore breast) but they went away. Today I woke up again with the same symptoms (especially my breast hurting) but still nothing. I hope she shows up soon for a few reasons.

1. I can then start the other medicine and maybe we will get pregnant this month which means we could announce around Mother's Day.
2. I can be assured that I will not have to take another dose this month of the progesterone (or worse a heavier dose). I don't know if I want to go through another 10 days of being cranky and hungry.

Therefore, the waiting continues. If AF hasn't show up in a week I guess I will call the doctor again. This whole being infertile and broken thing sucks.

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