Friday, May 30, 2014

Should I spill the beans?

Today I have had two people ask if M and I are going to have a baby soon. I know a lot of people who are infertile (or even women who don't want to have children) are offended by this question. I understand their argument, that it's no one's business and that by asking this simple question it can hurt someone but I don't feel that way. I am not offended when people ask but I am finding myself either answering the same way "we will have a family someday" or by coming up with some excuse. Most of the people who ask me are friends or family and typically are not strangers, so it doesn't seem weird to me that they would be curious. It has got me thinking lately that maybe it is time to spill the beans about our fertility issues. First, when someone asks me that question it makes me sad and maybe if I told them the real reason they would understand and stop asking. Secondly, maybe if we talked with our family and friends about it more openly it would make things easier.

Don't get me wrong, I have told some of my friends and family but very few. I am sure they are tired of me calling them when I am sad or upset about it. Therefore, if we told more people we could go to more people for support? But telling people makes me nervous. First, it means they know we are trying and it could lead to all the things I don't want to hear like "maybe if you just relax if will happen" or "maybe it's not Gods timing". These are valid points but unless you truly understand that we did relax for a year and still no luck and that we are now in the part that if we are not more active it will never happen. Maybe we could tell them all the struggles and challenges. Maybe they could share our tears with us. But I feel that maybe they won't understand. Maybe they will judge us or worse really not care. Plus, sharing something like this seems so intimate. When trying to have a baby your relationship with your husband becomes more intimate and when you struggle its embarrassing. Will someone understand that?

For now, we haven't said anything but we are certainly weighing the pros and cons. How much longer can we go without telling our parents? How much longer can we hold this in without more support?

As anyone out there struggled with the same issue? I would love to hear stories on how you handled it.

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